Lotion P50 PIGM 400


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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Caddie Sze
Holy Grail

This is magic - holy grail toner now. I remember when I first started using within 1 week I noticed amazing progress, it really does feel like you went to a facial and they did a bunch of extractions. I use the PIGM formulation as recommended by Vivian, it's really helped. Not too harsh. I started out using it once daily then now have gone up to twice daily. Don't think I'll ever go without again. Worth the $$, in fact it's not even that much and comparable to so many higher end Sephora brands. I've been using the 150mL for at least 3 -4months now, and I think I just got to half of the bottle. HIGHLY recommend, but definitely consult Vivian first before you choose so she can tell you which P50 is best for your skin.